cliffstory 发表于 2015-4-19 07:39:48

婚前聚会上的绿帽老公 翻译作品


周六晚上,我老婆的姐姐要开一个婚前女子聚会(美国人婚礼之前,一般是婚礼前几天,新郎新娘的好友要各自为其举办一个party,说白了就是在结婚之前最后“放纵”一次,party 可以去夜总会看脱衣舞等表演,或者在家请“stripper(脱衣舞女/男)”等形式。其意义本是结婚之后男女方就要老老实实的互相厮守,不能在外面鬼混了。),我被我那骚老婆叫去做迎宾招待。她的姐姐相亲后准备和一个柔弱的小男人(白人)结婚,这个男人跟我一样,为了能与妻子结婚都花了很大一笔钱。但我妻子认为她姐姐在婚姻中不会让那根可怜没用的白鸡鸡用上一秒钟。 平时周六上午她们去购物的时候,我总是要为她们做好各项服务工作,这次的要求也一样,而且我还要刮干净自己身上的体毛。当我洗了澡出来,看到床上堆放着带白色花边的粉色胸罩、女裤、白色女子长筒袜和高跟鞋。我把女裤穿上,遮住我的小得可怜的剃光了小鸡鸡,戴上蕾丝花边的胸衣,然后穿上我的连衣裙。 然后我就跪着爬到楼下会客厅里等老婆来给我下一步指令。我能听到她和几个女人在娱乐室那边大声地说笑着尖叫着,就象女孩子在酒会上喝酒交际一样。大约半个小时以后,我老婆叫我过去向她们一一招呼致敬,做她们的“女”服务员。 我穿着窄小的绸缎连衣裙向我老婆和姐姐的朋友一一行屈膝礼,为她们递送酒杯。一些客人我认识,以前就羞辱过我的,比如我的丈母娘、我老婆的两个妹妹,还有我的女秘书——那是我老婆雇用的,确保我在自己的公司里也不会忘记自己可耻的身份。其他的女客人看到我穿着象女孩一样行女式屈膝礼,都在惊奇夸张的谈论取笑,她们是我老婆和那准新娘的新朋友。 我老婆要我把连衣裙拉上来,她用手扯下我的女内裤,一定要让每个新来的女孩看到我那剃得光光的才2.5英寸的小鸡鸡。 当所有人到齐了,我的大姨子把她的未婚夫带进来。可怜的他被一只皮带拴着,穿着新婚仪式上才穿戴的胸罩和女内裤,手腕和脚踝上分别铐着2英尺长的白色铐具。他整晚都是四肢着地的趴着,被我的大姨子当橙子坐或者当脚踏用。他还看到我所受到的羞辱,将来他也会如此。夜里的游戏开始了。第一个游戏叫做“钉入伪娘的肉穴”。剃光了毛的又白又嫩的淫荡的肉穴,这样的一张妓女照片能吸引黑人的大阳具。而我赤裸的身体被拽起来的女裙和脱到一半的女内裤束缚着,这些喝得半醉的妇女们围着我,吩咐把假阳具插进我的屁股里,那情景跟妓女的肉穴照片效果一样,就象我本来就应当呈现给她们赤裸裸的屁股和肉穴,而不是那小得可怜的小鸡鸡。她们就这样粗鲁地谈论着,根本不顾我从塞着口球的嘴里发出的抽泣和哭喊声。第二个游戏是“嗅内裤点秋香”。我被遮住眼睛,跪在地上伸出鼻子隔着内裤去嗅她们的肉穴,看我能不能嗅出哪一个是我妻子。这太难了,要知道我有几个月没有亲近过我妻子的肉穴了。闹过以后,我又继续服待她们喝酒。这时,三个身材高大健硕的黑人出现了,这是她们请来的脱衣舞牛郎!而我的大姨子为了在她未婚夫身上坐得更舒服撩起裙子脱下内裤,光溜溜的肉穴就这样直接坐在未婚夫的光背上,还顺手把内裤塞进了未婚夫的嘴里。脱衣舞牛郎开始表演了,我老婆却抢先过去用羽毛挑逗让他们完全地勃起!妇人们欢呼起来,大姨子被三个黑牛郎拉起来你搂我抚大跳艳舞,她早已在未婚夫的背上留下了一大片淫液,却无人理会。音乐响起,我老婆为她解开衣服,三个黑人牛郎轮流塞进填满她的嘴、肉穴和屁股,妇女们全体发出欢呼声,而她将来的丈夫的眼里流出泪水。当她和牛郎们满足后仍旧光溜溜地坐回到未婚夫的背上,那热乎乎新鲜的精液,流满了他的后背。晚会继续,脱衣舞牛郎一一为所有的女人提供服务,其中那些没有带自己老公来的女子,都是叫我跪着为她们舔干净的。最后,大姨子用她未婚夫的舌头把身上所有红肿的洞里里外外都清洁了一遍。她那可怜的未婚夫经历了聚会上的一切,我老婆就抽打着他那小得可怜的鸡鸡,让他喷出浓稠的东西湿在内裤上。整个夜晚就这样结束了,每个人都赞吧这难忘记的PARTY!by renoSissyCuck


saturday night i was enlisted by my slut wife to entertain at her sisters bachelorette party. her sister met and is marrying a wimpy white sissy like me because we make alot of money as accountants. but my wife is ensuring that her sister not have to put up with one second of pathetic white cock in her marriage!
i was told to shave all over and prepare like i always do after working for a few hrs Saturday morn as they shopped. when i got out of the shower a matching pink satin and white lace bra and panty set a white sissy christening dress hose and heels were laid out on the bed. i pulled the panties over my hairless sissy clit put my bra lace top thigh hi's and my make up. then put my dress on.
after going down stairs i knelt in the foyer to wait for my wife to come and give me further orders. i could hear her and sevral other women from the family room laughing and carrying on as girls do while they drink wine and socialize. after about a half hour my wife gave me further orders, along with greeting her guests i was to play waitress to them until i was needed for the games they had planned.
i greeted her and her sisters guests curtsying in my little satin dress and getting their wine glasses. some guests i knew well and had been humiliated by them before like my mother in law and my wifes 2 other sisters. and my secratary whom my wife pays very well to make sure i am humiliated within the walls of my own company. other guests were knew and laffed hysterical at me in my dress curtsying like a girl. they were new friends of my wife and the brides friends.
my wife made sure to show them all my hailess 2.5 inch clit making me lift my dress so she could pull my panties down for each new girl to see.

once everyone had arrived my sister in law bought in her fiance. he was on a leash wearing bridal satin bra and panty set and bound in white wrist and ankle cuffs with 2 foot spreader bars. he was made to kneel on all fours for my sister in law his future bride to use as a seat or footstool thru out the night. he would watch my humiliation this eve knowing it all awaited him too.
the first game of the night was called pin the pussy on the sissy. a hustler photo of a shaved white sluts pussy was glued to a large black dildo. i was bound over a padded saw horse skirt up panties yanked down and the half drunk women were spun around and told to put the dildo in my ass so the picture glued to it gave them a view of a naked ass and pussy they all said i should have had and hiding my little sissy clit. they were not gentle at all and i sniffled and cryed thru my ball gag.
the second game was panty sniffing i was blind folded and made to neel and stick my nose up to their pantied pussies and see if i could pick out my wifes. which was very hard since i had not been near my wifes pussy in months.
after those games i went back to serving drinks till the three huge black strippers showed up. my sister in law took her place of honor on her fiances bask raising her short skirt to put her now pantyless pussy on his skin and she stuffed her panties in his mouth. my wife took the opportunity to fluff the dancers so they were fully erect when they started entertaining. the women all cheered and my sister in law was dragged up to dance with her 3 black studs leaving a large wet pussy spot on her fiances back.

my wife unziped the brides dress and the black studs took turns filling her mouth pussy and ass as the music played and the women all cheered and tears ran from her future hubbies eyes. when she was done she sat back down on his back to let the fresh warm cum spill out on his back.
as the party continued on all the girls were serviced by the strippers and i was made to kneel and lick clean the pussies of those who didnt have cuckolds of their own to go home to.
the bride to be finished the night by using her fiances toungue to thouroughly clean her aching holes and my wife whipped his tiny cock with a flogger for messing his panties as he watched. the night ended with all saying what a great celebration it had been!
by renoSissyCuck

mnb654321 发表于 2015-5-16 13:16:26


san999 发表于 2015-5-27 09:08:36


55311765 发表于 2015-7-9 14:55:24

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